In this paper, the authors introduce a new network structure for the traditional CNN to better extract and interpret latent features. It is named "Network In Network (NIN)".
NIN vs tradional CNN
In a traditional CNN, convolutional layers and spatial pooling layers are stacked followed by fully connected layers and an output layer. The convolution layers generate feature maps by linear convolutional filters followed by non-linear activation functions. The NIN structure addresses the following 2 limitations of a traditional CNN.
- Kernels/filters used for each CNN layer works well when the features to be extracted are linearly separable.
- Fully connected layers at the end of the CNN leads to over-fitting the training data.
Convolution with linear filter vs Neural network
The convolution layers involve a kernel that slides over the previous field (input or layers) and extracts features. The kernel is usually a matrix with which convolution is done. This is a linear operation. Meaning the filtering done by kernel is linear and is sufficient to differentiate features that are linearly separable. However, feature maps are generally highly non-linear functions of the input data.
The NIN addresses this by introducing a "micro neural network (a Multilayer Perceptron or MLP)" which is a universal function approximator which can model non linear data spaces. The resulting structure is named as the "mlpconv" layer. Here an MLP network is slid over the input in a similar manner to extract feature maps which are then fed into the next layer. The overall structure
of the NIN is the stacking of multiple mlpconv layers. Given below is a comparison of linear convolution layer and mlconv layer (borrowed from the paper)
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The linear convolution layer
includes a linear filter while the mlpconv layer includes a micro network. |
These can be trained using back-propagation along with training the entire network.
Fully connected layers vs Global averaging pooling layers
The second limitation, over-fitting by fully connected layers is addressed by replacing them with global average pooling layers. Here we directly take the average of the feature maps from the last mlpconv layer as the confidence of the categories. The fully connected layers presented the problem of over-fitting (solved partially by dropouts). However there are no parameters to learn during global averaging making it inherently inert to over-fitting. Also, the authors argue that the averaging creates a more meaningful correspondence between the feature maps and the categories as opposed to the black-box-like correspondence with the fully connected layers. Furthermore, the global average pooling sums out the spatial information, thus is more robust to spatial translation of the input.
The overall structure is given below (borrowed from the paper)
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NIN structure with three mlpconv layers stacked and one global average pooling layer |
We can see global average pooling as a structural regularizer that explicitly enforces feature maps to
be confidence maps of concepts (categories). This is made possible by the mlpconv layers, as they
makes better approximation to the confidence maps than linear filters.
Comparing with maxout networks
To overcome the limitation of linear filters another type of network was introduced known as maxout networks. In a maxout network, max pooling is done over the results of the linear convolution without applying the activation function. Maximization over linear functions makes a piecewise linear function which is capable of approximating any convex functions. Here the assumption is that the features lie in a within a convex space derived from the input. However this prior imposition does not hold true in all cases.
Mlpconv differs from maxout layer in that the convex function approximator is replaced by the universal function approximator (MLP), which has greater capability in modeling various distributions of latent concepts.
The experiments done the author shows that the NIN + dropout structure achieves best or comparable performance with other state-of-the-art methods on four benchmark datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN and
MNIST. You can go over the results in the actual paper.
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